how to stay motivated everyday tips for 2021

motivation about working hard,
staying motivated after work,
how to stay motivated everyday,
how to stay motivated everyday

how do you stay motivated? how do you stay creative throughout the whole day throughout the whole week?
how do you carry on doing a job that requires your creativity if you're not inspired?
i have all the questions but also all the answers to these questions and many many more about how to stay motivated and how to stay creative!! in today's content, so keep on reading!!
> hi everyone welcome back to Charleecom and if you're new here welcome my name is Flora and if you're new to this Site and this is your first time Viewing my content and this site,then please don't forget to subscribe through you email and stay motivated! and to be notified of every time i upload a new fresh content!! every single week if you're new here you might not know who i am i've been a blogger for over 10 years. i am now a full-time content creator and as you might imagine my job requires being creative all the time and can we as human beings and as regular people be creative be inspired and be motivated all the time? well the answer is probably- “not!”
we've all go through different stages through different days sometimes we might be super inspired but some other time we are not. so what do i do what are the steps i take when i'm not feeling motivated? when i'm not feeling inspired? when i'm not feeling creative! in this article i'm gonna share with you my five best tips, in order to get back into that inspirational state of mind. First of all, is to give yourself time and be patient with yourself. I know this is easier said, than done. But, if you want to stay motivated, if you want to stay inspired, you have to be patient with yourself. You have to give yourself time you have to give yourself space for someone who works in a creative field or something related to a creative activity or even any type of work you're not creative a hundred percent of the time you're not inspired a hundred percent of the time or motivated and this is normal we cannot be original or funny or unique all the time. And in order to be funny original unique sometimes you need to give yourself the time to do something else to relax to take time off. I think the first step in order to do this is to realize that you're not alone for all of us who work on the creative field or who need to use our creativity on our everyday work we all have times where we feel uninspired where we feel stuck, where we feel like we're not moving forward, where we feel like we don't have any good ideas, you have to understand that this is only a stage but this is only a moment in your life that this is not your whole life, or your whole day or your whole week. But just a slump a bit of time where you're not that creative and that is all right be patient and know that these too shall pass.
my second tip:- is to do another type of job another type of work while you're not feeling creative if you create youtube videos or maybe you do instagram posts or you have a blog you're a writer you're a photographer you're an illustrator a painter anything that requires a bit of you being creative and you're not feeling inspired the best thing you can do is to do any other type of work as you probably know. Eeven if you do some type of creative job not every part of your job is about being creative you probably have to do invoices you probably have to send emails or maybe you have to check something that you have already written there are types of jobs, types of work within your own job that do not require you to be creative. So, in my case when, i'm not feeling creative when, i'm not feeling in the mood to create a video to do photos or maybe to write an inspiring blog post i do other things and these other things might be either replying to all the emails that need a reply or it might be planning out my schedule for the next couple of weeks. It might be editing a video because you need to be creative and need to be in a good mood or something to actually film a video but you do not need any of that to edit a video. I try to focus on things that maybe, I avoid when i am feeling creative because, i feel like i need to do creative tasks, at that point and i do all this admin work as we call it that i might not want to do on. some other regular day, i think that being able to understand our best moments and our worst moments when we're not feeling that much inspired or that much creative is actually the key to making this work to being able to split up your work to split up your job. And know when you're doing one type of job and when you're doing another type of job and that takes us to tip number three.
Tip number three:-that has to do with organizing your days your week your time. For this what i like to do being able to manage   my own time and be my own boss is that i like to  divide my days between the creative days and the   not so creative days. Of course, you cannot set that  from the beginning because one day might be your   creative day and you're not feeling like it and  that's okay, but with a week being of five working   days i try to set aside at least two or three  days for the most creative activities whether that   being shooting pictures or shooting videos or writing  blog posts and then two or three days for the   not so creative activity like doing emails doing  invoices reaching out to brands, replying to brands, all the admin work that needs to get done at some  point so on this created days i put up together a   lot of creative tasks a lot of creative activities. And on the not so creative days, i do the rest   of the work all together batching this type of  activities batching this type of jobs and tasks helped me work better.
and it might help you as  well to work better and to be more efficient. 

fourth tip:- that really helps me out a lot  is to write down my ideas. you might use a notebook,  you might use your agenda, your phone the notes, in your phone emails to yourself an app whatever   that might be, but write down your ideas as soon as  they come to your mind, because maybe you're doing   a not so creative activity and you suddenly have  this amazing idea for a new video that you might   not come up with that in another moment, or maybe  you're having a shower or maybe you're going out,   for a walk every time a new idea comes to mind  a new solution comes to mind, a new idea for an   illustration, a new idea for a book for a song, for  whatever it is that you might be working on just   take that moment take that second write that down  and you can work on that you can process that you   can keep on working on that idea later on in  that day or later on next week or next month   doing this allows you to free up that space in  your mind to put that idea somewhere else and   then keep on doing whatever it is that you are  doing and then you can go back to what you wrote   down and you can work on that.

and the fifth and  last tip:- has to do with looking for inspiration   or maybe letting inspiration come to you. I know  we all have times when we don't feel inspired ,  where we feel that nothing around us inspires  us anymore. And I think this is especially true, nowadays if you are currently doing a lockdown  or quarantine working from home, starting from   home where all you see is your bed! your bedroom ! and then your living room, the same sofa every day  , the desk, the computer, like everything is the  same every single day and for the past maybe   five six seven eight months nine months. So, i know  that's a lot and i know that maybe you're not   feeling inspired because your life is monotonous. Your life is the same every single day, and I totally get you and i do feel uninspired sometimes  as well. what i do think helps is to do another   type of activities that might help you with your  actual job! for example, watch movies, watch tv shows. Sometimes some movies and some tv shows maybe are  from a different era from the 1950s or 1960s,and   the clothes are different and that inspires you. Or,  maybe you watch a tv show set in a different city, and you have the chance of seeing buildings or  seeing streets, seeing people that you do not see   on your everyday life. Or if,

 you have the chance to  go to a museum being safe of course, but if you can   go to a museum and look at art look at paintings ,sculptures do that, because that might help you a lot. And if you cannot do any of that just go  for a walk even if it's your own neighborhood! you have a chance to actually look up to look  at the buildings that are near your house.Or   walk a little bit further and look at the building  somewhere else go for a walk with your dog, maybe   without your phone maybe with a headphones and try  to see what inspires you. Try to see what catches   your attention and what helps you, maybe create  a new painting with something you saw today on   your walk, as i said before sometimes inspiration  comes when we're not looking for it. When we're   not actively seeking for it when we're not even  prepared for it so just have something to write it down if you're not taking your phone, taking that  will take a pen and wait for that inspiration to   come wait for that idea to come for something to  make you feel creative again.
 For something to make   you feel inspired and motivated again these are  all the things i do when i'm not feeling inspired, when i'm not feeling creative, when i'm not feeling  motivated and although this is more focused   in people that had a creative type of job i think  it will also work if you do not have a creative   type of job, maybe if you work on spreadsheets  all day it still helps because taking breaks,   going outside, seeing different people or seeing  different buildings or seeing different things. Switching up things might help at some point even  if you do not work in the creative field overall.   i really hope this content helped you if you're  feeling stuck, if you're not feeling motivated, if you're not feeling creative of course as always  if you like this content  do give it a share and leave me a comment down below letting me know  if this content helped you, and if you're going to   use any of these tips for your everyday life and  if you'd like me to do any other type of article related to either the creative field to organizing  your life to setting up routines tasks working for   yourself, working from home, whatever that might be, and as always subscribe to charleecom if you're   not subscribed already, because that will help  me a lot. 

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