how to color your hair at home

how to color your hair at home
how to color your hair at home
hey it's jackie and welcome back to my channel for a quick hair tutorial recently i've been loving the look of a 90s blowout but my hair type is a little challenging to do this with because   my hair goes down to my belly button and it's  really fine so it's prone to breakage and i love   the look of the Revlon one step blow dryer and it  works so well on some people like i see tutorials   and I’m like oh i want that but with my hair it  does like make it have some more breakage at the   top and this is just across the board like when  i get a blowout from like a professional i still   notice breakage so these are my tips and tricks  on how i'm a bit more gentle with my hair type and   still get that bouncy look without using um like  a lot of heat with a blow dryer keep going through   the same strand to try to get that bend i just use  a hair straightener and then a couple tips on how   i get it looking like it's layered when i have my  hair cut at all one length so this is a little bit   specific um but hopefully you get some tips and  tricks if you have had trouble trying to get that   style on long hair and if you enjoyed this video  make sure you give it a thumbs up and as always   i love it when you guys tag me in your photos so  i can feature you i love to see you switching up   your style with confidence and let's get started  with this look here is my hair air dried mine does   dry very straight but flat and first step is heat  protectant i've been obsessed with the bumble and   bumble thermal protection mist i use this in the  massive block from the clique tutorial and now   i'm obsessed with it it smells so good and i use  this whenever i'm using heat now next because my hair is not clean cut i have not got a haircut in  like two years almost crazy um i need all the help   i can get with sealing my ends so i use the ogx  argan oil of morocco penetrating oil and i apply   this through the ends and the length of my hair  so that when we straighten we'll get that shine   this is the only part that i'm going a bit  more of a traditional route with getting   some of that lift to my fine long hair so take  a section from the middle of your brows and   divide backwards to the crown of your  head and we'll work with this area first   divide into three sections and on myself i'll just  spray with a light hold hairspray this is also ogx   and then with the straightener i'm running through  to warm up the hair you don't want to straighten   the hair really fast or you won't have enough  heat for the hair to really set into a shape   the heat from the straightener also seals in that  oil and shine and pulling the hair forward will   help create a bit of volume and it's just easier  to do on your own head instead of pulling straight   upwards if you have a lot of length your arm won't  be long enough to get all that length and you'll   get kinks in the hair so that's why i kind of  bring it forward and once you're at the bottom   of the hair you can slightly curve upwards so  the ends have a bit of a bend and then right away   roll it upwards into a pin curl do that second  section again i like to hairspray at least with   my hair type it really does make a difference so  you'll see me do this step before each section   and then this front piece instead  of rolling the hair upwards   and rolling backwards i'm gonna roll it towards  my face and roll inwards and pin in place   this will give a bit more lift around the crown  will create somewhat of a curtain bang look   if you have any old extensions that may be  at the end of their life or the color is   a little bit too light for you i think it's  super fun to create faux layers so you can   trim these to be in different lengths and  obviously this won't be like a perfect haircut   but i feel like a main part of a 90s look is a  very pc inward and outward facing curved pieces   throughout the hair like this picture of katie  holmes or this picture of denise richards so i   have a three one flip extensions that i've  cut short so the first one hits about where   my collar bone is one a little bit longer and the  final one just a tiny bit shorter than my length and i'm clipping these in very close to my  face so that they peek out and i've already   curved them inwards but let's go through  the rest of the hair and get that bend   by the way i'm using the t3 luca id one inch  smart straightening and styling flat iron with   touch screen so on the touch screen when you turn  it on you can dial in your length of the hair if   your hair is color treated and this customization  allows for frizz free one pass results i believe   i have a code so i'll put it on screen and i  have not had a straightener for years but they   sent me this one and i love that it has a curved  body making it perfect for creating this look   since my hair is already pretty straight i'm  just looking for shine at the bottom and a   bit of a curve so for the length i'll do a slow  pass for that shine and then curve it in slightly   then wrap it around my fingers so  it quickly cools and lasts longer   this gives more of a larger bend as well you  can curve all towards your face and when your   hair moves it should kind of flow in both  directions anyway or you can intentionally   do some facing outwards totally up to you if  you do have some extensions to spare it makes   them look a little bit more natural if you  can take a shorter piece that's clipped in   with your own length and curve them together so  they have the same type of curve and flow nice the bending of the end process is pretty  quick and let's take out those top curls my hair really doesn't get a ton  of volume without a bit of teasing   so i'll use a bit of hairspray back home and  then let it drop but i'm not backcombing too   much because this look is very soft  and flowing with a lot of movement and then the front pieces i'm letting down  and i decided to go with the center part today   and let those side pieces fall backwards but  here is the same picture of katie holmes for   reference you can do a side part and  have one of the shorter extensions   clipped under the bangle section for asymmetrical   face framing pieces so i hope this quick tutorial  gave you some ideas i paired it with a very 90s    top in my opinion from the brand lpa from revolve  so i'll have that link down below and the lip   combo is charlotte tilbury pillow talk medium  which is one of my favorite everyday lipsticks i filmed the intro and outro a day after i filmed  that bulk of the tutorial um i had my camera on   the wrong setting whatever but i recreated the  look on second day hair and it looks just as good   so with a little dry shampoo you can do the same  technique and get this look if you like it.
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